Glad to say that the needs of thoroughly organized users have not been overlooked either, as the app also offers Bookmark and Watchlist categories.

Flicks can also be sorted by popularity, title, rating, production year, or by the date when they were last added. For example, you can browse categories such as Action, Adventure, Animation, Biography, Comedy, Crime, Documentary, Drama, History, Horror, Music, Romance, Sci-Fi, you name it. There are various ways of organizing and searching for video content, as well. You can watch your favorite movies, TV shows, or anime with quality levels up to 1080p and with the benefit of easy-to-enable subtitles for all major languages from across the globe. Well, the answer's quite simple: it's just as good as the original app, if not better. With that out of the way, we can move on to what really interests you, namely, if it's any good. Here's what you need to know about the app as a whole For those of you who don't know, forking means copying another project (with the possibility of enhancing and modifying various functional aspects). Even if it's not exactly instrumental to its overall functionality, we feel that's important for you to know that this app, even though it has practically the same name as the original one, is actually a fork of the Butter Project. It's got a fancier and more modern user interface when compared to the original app, besides of which it's basically the same in most regards. This brings us to what may be regarded as the latest "reincarnation" of the previously mentioned, controversial app, dubbed Popcorn Time Desktop. Just like Popcorn Time? For the most part, yes. It became so popular because it allowed users from all across the globe to stream videos, movies, TV shows, anime and indie flicks directly from torrents with the utmost convenience. In case you're not familiar with the oh-so-famous application that's regarded as the Netflix of Torrents which was started back in 2014 by a fairly anonymous group of developers, Popcorn Time (also found under the moniker of Time 4 Popcorn) is an open source BitTorrent app with a pretty decent media player stuck on top of it.